Sunday, January 11, 2009

Barack Obama & Thomas Friedman on 'This Week' with George Stephanopoulos

Wow. If you didn't get the chance to watch the show, it was worth the hour- (This Week). Barack Obama is becoming a real positive leader in this world. Not only does his charisma motivate one, his policies are right in line with correcting America's economy to get on a sustainable path. His first point and question was of course concerning the economy. He outlined his plan with a little more depth, but highlighted the so called 'green economy'. Clean energy, mass transit, energy efficiency, etc. is thoughtfully being laid out as pieces to the sustainable economy & sustainable growth puzzle for decades to come. He is building the foundation that directs human civilization away from greedy inefficiency. With energy demand increasing we need to become more efficient. He is proposing that 75%+ of ALL federal buildings will be given money to solely solve 1 problem, increase energy efficiency. Listening to him speak made me feel motivated, encouraged and prideful of my country, something that has not been felt for at least 8 years and possibly much more; in actuality since 1996 when the Kyoto protocol was initiated by the US (but never signed on to: errrrr....).

To top off the enjoyable 30+ of uninterrupted minutes of Obama, I was pleasantly surprised to see Thomas Friedman on the show to follow up on the round table. While he mostly spoke of the middle east troubles of Hamas and Israel (one section of his expertise), he didn't get to touch on a lot of topics which he wrote about in his most recent book. If he hasn't met Barack Obama in the past I bet he got his opportunity today. I am sure the topic of discussion was the ideas covered in Hot, Flat, and Crowded- Energy efficiency, clean energy, & sustainable development. That brings me another few ounces of confidence in the direction of the Obama administration. Obama has stayed true to his principals since voting for him. His commitment to reorganizing the government & economy based on clean efficiency for growth and sustainability. I salute to 4 years of leadership, change, & sustainability. Something that Al Gore might be passionate about, but never showed enough leadership in until he was out of office. That was harsh, I know. Al Gore didn't have the luxury (hard to call it that) of an economy in shambles to implement such altering policies. I don't hold it against him, if anything I hope it motivates him to advise Obama, because we all know it is where his life's work exists. So overall, for anyone who cares about the future, your confidence should have just increased.

1 comment:

  1. As I watched This Week with George Stephanopolous and our soon-to-be president Barack Obama I couldn't help but smile. That seems to be President-elect Obama's effect on me every time I see him, no matter the context or location. His face itself exudes a calming confidence that boldly yet humbly speaks an undertone of grounding and grave leadership. Like being young, a child of four say, and looking into the face our your mother, innate and naturally trusting of her guidance, the face that purely resembles comfort and home. Obama truly makes me feel the same...which I must say feels more than feels just right.
