There is so much to speak about today. This is a great day. The significance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day yesterday to 41 years after he made the speech 'I Have a Dream' a African-American Man was sworn-in as president. Dr. King spoke of his vision that within 40 years he believed a African-American would be elected president (he also said his hope was 25 years though). He was pretty darn close in his estimate, and it shows the capacity of his vision. Heck, if he lived a little longer maybe it would have been 25 years.
My hope is that Barack Obama uses all the political power he has collected over the past few months to focus on core economic issues. If he does not lead us out of economic turmoil, every other initiative he wants to address will not happen.
He is calling for all of us to sacrifice for the greater good of society. No one, since FDR has had the political resources and momentum to call on so much from Americans. FDR called for the 'New Deal', and Obama is calling for his 'Deal' which will involve many of the strikingly similar concepts as FDR's plan in 1933. Click here to view more about FDR's 'New Deal'. Both involved a lot of government spending, and many argue the only reason we got out of The Great Depression was because we were building up to fight the Second Great War (WWII). It is my belief that what will pull us out of this 'depression' will be the need to conquer 'The First Great Energy Crisis'. It will be as, if not more significant than WWII was on its generation.
What are Americans willing to sacrifice?
So far it has been their jobs, houses, and savings (not that funny). I think it will be peoples time. Spending a couple of days a year doing community service of some sort to help those in need. For young adults a excellent resource to help connect you to a cause in your local community is They will take your cell number and within minutes text you the location of a place to volunteer your time in your local community.
I am willing to sacrifice the convenience of eating non-organic & non-local food. Every time you buy food, spend the extra pennies on food that is coming from your local community. It will allow you to contribute to your local community and allow you to feel good about what you are putting into your body. Again, you are what you eat- The age old slogan taught in kindergarten is true! How about extending this commitment to: Make a goal to recycle every can, bottle, jug, newspaper, & piece of cardboard (to start); it is very simple. While you might not see the entire effect of the effort, feel good that what you did will help the next generation. These two (volunteer) services are something little you can do. You know, the 'simple' things. If everybody did the simple things we would be better off.
...stop buying and using things that we do not need. Embrace conversation and not television. Value relationships and ignore Hollywood. Read the news, form an opinion, and be willing to change your mind. Smile, compliment, share, give-back. Have 2 kids or less and teach them everything you can about everything!