Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Bailout... It's the economy stupid

Well the skeptics and sinners have been thinking this week. Some hard nose republicans are touting after a few week in office that Obama is back to the democratic ticket of spending as usual. They claim their strength to fiscal conservativeness, yet the executive branch of California is faced with a how many billion dollar debt? 30? 40? more? BILLION dollars! Well, I believe the politics of old should and are ready to be thrown out the door. Whether it is republican or democrat, tax cuts or infrastructure spending, too much of either doesn't work. It takes a nice and balance combination of the two. Give cuts to those whom need it to encourage spending while having the government spend on infrastructure will grow the economy no matter what the situation.

Will Obama's Stimulus Package Work?

Well I hope so. I believe that 95% of the stimulus package will stimulate the economy for short and long term growth. Focusing on infrastructure, energy, and education you really can't go wrong. Each sector needs as much attention and money it can get. All focus on long term sustainable potential output for our economy. I challenge all who oppose to suggest something better that won't take years to implement.

So much for Bailouts. Let the companies whom managed their business fail so others can take their place. It is natural selection, thinning of the herd. The billions (outside of the financial system) spent on bailing out companies should have been added to the investment in the starving renewable energy sector. That is and will be the largest growth area in our economy, and has the potential to become the very core or our economic system. Much like oil has for the past years.

1 comment:

  1. well put, the GOP opinion on this issue is very odd and confirms their unwillingness to change or accept realities. I listened to a few news broadcasts on the radio while in the mid-west only to find the truth being bent around anti-socialism and "less government" rhetoric in an attempt to discredit Obama's leadership and decisions... socialism is capitalism where the stake-holders are the constituents, our government is now a corporation that we have the ability to influence and benefit from!
