Michael Pollan's book, In Defense of Food an Eater's Manefesto; outlines much truth in our societies habits concerning food. While I dwell over the dubbed term 'The French Paradox' which brings light to the opposition between French and American eating habits; whereby the F'ies maintain (and have for hunderes of years) a high cost, high fat, small portion intake, with overall far higher health ratios comparitively. The Americans, in contrast, have come to maintain this kind of brian-washed ideal of cheap, chemically induced mass-produced food. When will we open our eyes to this inter-cultural reliance and acceptance of the spread of such conglomerates as Wal-Mart, Costco and all other mass production food chains which supports not only the concept of over- consumpumtion but over-conception? Each of which paralleling on the notion of living beyond our means, over-consumtion to such a level that is beyond what is both not good for us as indidividuals as much as it as not good for our earth (Monsanto cares nothing of our health or our earth).
In Pollan brings to light mind-numbing statistics such as Americans eating a fifth of all their meals in the car, or how Americans spend the least amount of their disposable income (9%) than any other industrial society while eating upward of 30% more than any other industrial society; I ponder.

I challenge us all to get to know your farmer. Asking them how they grew the food we all consume and begin to understand the more we know, the more care in the thing we consume, the more we can truly appreciate ourselves. The 1st grade term of we are what we eat holds true, and it wasn't until I read this book did I really do some soul searching in understanding why what food I consume and how I consume it really effects my life. Enjoying a home cooked meal of locally grow produce with my beautiful wife, laughing over life's challenges and triumphs is the root of culture, & most importantly happiness. If we can't enjoy every bite with the ones we love; what are we spending our time doing. Eating a microwave dinner, with a can full of high-fructose corn syrup in front of a T.V. is not living, it's dieing. I apologize if I have offended anyone, but dig deep and think. I believe that a stronger connection to our food will only enhance life. The extra time spent eating, speaking, cooking will only grow our personal happiness.
I leave this entry with a painted picture. My best-friend, lover, & wife cooking up a tasty meal that originated in the city we got engaged (& spend our 1 yr anniversary) listing to some great music, drinking, eating, smiling, and laughing. It is what life is all about.