Water scarcity will be a problem well before global warming, oil, energy, will be. Water and our food system go hand in hand. Right now in California, they are in the 3rd year of drought. Bad enough that farmer's are cutting down orchards and letting the land go baron. On average a farmer in the central valley is receiving 30% less water than they were 5 years ago. With the lower of water tables all over the west, pumping it yourself is now not becoming an option.
Treehugger.com recently published a article titled: Water Shortages Rising Across the Globe, But Especially India showing how and why Water shortages are occurring all over the globe. Aside from our western states, China, India, and Africa are being hit really hard. "By 2025, India, China and select countries in Europe and Africa will face water scarcity if adequate and sustainable water management initiatives are not implemented, and an estimated 3 Billion people will be living below the water stress threshold".
There is an inevitable wall about to be hit. Population growth & pollution are growing so fast, that I believe sooner than later we will be having serious water issues. In the article, they say "By 2050, per capita water availability in India is expected to drop by about 44% due to growing populations and higher demand, as well as higher pollution levels". This is scary.
Pick up the movie or book titled: Blue Gold. Both a great source of information concerning water issues.
A great resource to avoid using plastic disposable water bottles is getting a reusable water bottle at ECOBAGS.COM. There are many styles to choose from.